MODULE 1: Species in Counterpoint or Voice Leading Introduction
What are the Species in Counterpoint and why their study
Contrapuntal motions
Objectionable parallel motions
The independence of the melodic lines
Module 2: 1st Species: note against note
Compound intervals between voices
Beginnings and Endings
Contrasting melodic lines and independence of the voices
Exercises in the First Species
Module 3: 2nd Species: 2 voices against one
Second Species: General Overview and Guidelines
Introduction of the Dissonance: Rules and examples
Exercises in Second Species
Module 4: 3rd Species: 3 voices against one
Main Concept of Prolongation
Rules and examples
Module 5: 4th Species. Suspension
General Guidelines
Examples of 4th species in Binary and Ternary Meter
Ternary Meter in 4th species
Exercises in Ternary Meter
Module 6: 5th Species: Florid or “Free” Counterpoint
General Guidelines
Examples – Analysis
Invertible Counterpoint
Module 7: Three-Part Counterpoint
First Species
Second Species
Third Species
Fourth Species
Fifth Species
Module 8: Combination of Species in three voices
Combination of two Second Species
Combination of Second and Third Species
Combination of Third and Fourth Species
Combination of Two Fifth Species
Progressions from Free Combination of Species
Voice Leading examples through time